
Info about Atalaya, Extremadura (Spain)

Atalaya is a place of Extremadura, Provincia de Badajoz, in Spain (ES).

Atalaya names are also Atalaya, its latitude is 38.3333300, and longitude -6.4666700.

In Atalaya there are 301 occupants, this place timezone is Europe/Madrid (Europe/Madrid_cet).

Atalaya is one of the top destinations for mines, castles in Spain.


More details about Atalaya in Spain (ES)

It’s official name is Atalaya (BA).

It has timezone UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).

In Atalaya live 301 occupants, considering 2019 census. Atalaya zip code is 06329, then for sending postcards to your family in Atalaya this can be done by using this zip code as per description above.

Its dimensions are 22 square km. this is why it appears to be relatively calm city , a nice place for travelers that are searching for small places as location to sleep, an incredibly calm countryside area without distractions typical of big cities. If you book an accommodation in Atalaya you can save money because of its low hotel costs, so for this reason you can have it like a base to move across Spain or Atalaya near cities.

Atalaya height above sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 500 meters. That is why this is the ideal place if you and partner want high areas to go to in your next vacation or are willing to do trail while you are on a trip in a new place.

Near Atalaya there are nice cities to visit, very friendly places like Alconera, Medina de las Torres, Valverde de Burguillos, Burguillos del Cerro. Because of this you could easily travel to these close destinations to visit to see other destinations in Spain.

If you need extra data about this city go to their official website

Atalaya things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mines, castles.

    Interactive Atalaya (Spain) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Atalaya, Extremadura Provincia de Badajoz Spain (ES).