
Info about Sorbas, Andalusia (Spain)

Sorbas region is Andalusia, Almería, and country is Spain (ES).

Alternate names are Sorbas, latitude is 37.0976100, and longitude -2.1234900.

In Sorbas there are 2.388 residents, this city timezone is Europe/Madrid (Europe/Madrid_cet).

Some of the activities you can do in Sorbas are caves around Spain.


More details about Sorbas in Spain (ES)

It is the capital of Sorbas. Its official name is Sorbas (AL).

Located in time zone UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

In Sorbas live 2.388 residents, considering 2019 latest census. It’s zip code is 04270, then if you want to send anything to friends via post in Sorbas this can be done by using the zip as explained.

Sorbas dimension is 249 km2 so Sorbas is a medium size city that can become, if it is not already, a boomtown, in our opinion a place worth a visit. Here you save money due to their economic rooms prices, and this is why you can use it like a base if you want to move across Spain or Sorbas near adventures.

Its height above sea level or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) should be about 409 mt. This is why this is the ideal destination if you and your beloved ones want high land to visit for your next trip or are willing to do winter sports when you are on a vacation to visit a new place.

Near Sorbas there are nice cities to visit, for example Carboneras, Lucainena de las Torres, Uleila del Campo, Cóbdar, Lubrín, Bédar, Turre. So you and your companions could effortlessly travel to these other surroundings for new adventures.

Sorbas things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • caves.

    Interactive Sorbas (Spain) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Sorbas, Andalusia Almería Spain (ES).