Santo Tomé

Info about Santo Tomé, Andalusia (Spain)

Santo Tomé is a city of Andalusia, Provincia de Jaén, and country is Spain (ES).

Also called Santo Tome, Santo Tomé, its latitude is 38.0286100, and longitude -3.1009200.

With a population of 2.139 inhabitants, this city timezone is Europe/Madrid (Europe/Madrid_cet).

Things to do in Santo Tomé are art galleries around Spain.


More details about Santo Tomé in Spain (ES)

Santo Tomé official name is Santo Tomé (J).

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).

Population for Santo Tomé is 2.139 occupiers, according to 2019 latest census. Santo Tomé zip code is 23311, then for sending postcards to your friends it can be used 23311 post code as described.

Its square area is 73 square km. great if you want to visit a medium size city, in our opinion a town that you should visit. In this town you can find cheap accommodations due to Santo Tomé cheap room rates, so this is why you could have Santo Tomé as base to visit all Spain and Santo Tomé near adventures.

Santo Tomé height above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is around 454 mt. For this reason this is the ideal place when you and firends like tall ground to travel to for your next holiday and love mountain rails walking while on vacation to visit new places.

There are also other near cities you can visit, cities like Úbeda, Villacarrillo, Santiago-Pontones, La Iruela, Chilluévar, Cazorla. For this reason you may in few time go to those close travel destinations to visit new things.

Santo Tomé things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • art galleries.

    Interactive Santo Tomé (Spain) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Santo Tomé, Andalusia Provincia de Jaén Spain (ES).