
Info about Cheonan, (South Korea)

Cheonan is also called Cchonan, Ch’onan, Ch’ŏnan, Cheonan, Chkhonan, Chonan’, Ch’ŏnan, Tenan, Thien-on-su, Thiên-ôn-sṳ, Thyen-an, Thyen-ān, cheon-an, cheon-ansi, chywnan, tian an shi, tshwnan, Čchonan, Чонань, Чхонан, تشونان, چئونان, چیونان, 天安市, 천안, 천안시, latitude is 36.8065000, and its longitude 127.1522000.

In Cheonan live 651.661 residents, Cheonan timezone is Asia/Seoul (Asia/Seoul_cet).

In Cheonan you can go for wakeboard, therms, water parks, shooting ranges, turkish baths, hunting, museums, beaches, treasure hunts, theme parks, amusement parks, mines in all South Korea.


More details about Cheonan in South Korea (KR)

It’s population is 651.661 inhabitants, according to 2019 last census.

Cheonan square area is 63625 km2 so Cheonan is ideal for people who like big cities, busy full of things to do and activities to do. If you stay here you may spend big money due to their very high room costs, and for this reason you could enjoy it as your basecamp if you want to getting the comfort of luxury after visiting this metropolis.

Its meters above sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 22 mt. Because of this it is the ideal place when you and your partner love plain ground to visit for your next travel.

If you want information for this city please have a look at their official website

Cheonan things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • wakeboard, therms, water parks, shooting ranges, turkish baths, hunting, museums, beaches, treasure hunts, theme parks, amusement parks, mines.

    Interactive Cheonan (South Korea) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Cheonan, South Korea (KR).