
Info about Busan, (South Korea)

Also called Bousan, Busan, Busan-si, Busán, Fousan, Fusan, Fuzan, PUS, Phu San, Phủ San, Pusan, Pusana, Pusano, Tsau-liang-hai, busan, busangwang-yeogsi, busansi, fu shan, fu shan guang yu shi, fu shan shi, pu san, Μπούσαν, Пусан, ปูซาน, 釜山, 釜山市, 釜山广域市, 釜山広域市, 부산, 부산광역시, 부산시, its latitude is 35.1016800, and longitude is 129.0300400.

In Busan there are 3.453.198 citizens, this place timezone is Asia/Seoul (Asia/Seoul_cet).

Considered best destination for jet skiing, turkish baths, surf, therms, bodyboard, snowboard, sailboats, water skiing, diving, docks, skiing, climbing, aquariums, wellness, abseiling, boat rides, beaches, scenic roads, paddle, scuba diving, off-road trails, wakeboard, canoeing, snorkeling, swimming, parachute, biking, kayaking, horse trails, hammam, museums, rafting, spa, windsurfing, tennis, ranches, snow tubing, paddleboarding, hunting, festival, islands, theme parks, skydiving, farms, adventure, mines, mosques, zoo, mountains, monuments, religious sites, treasure hunts, historical sites, slopes, national parks, hiking, valleys, forest, nature, bridges, lakes, wildlife, fountains, countryside, events, fishing, geological formations, hiking trails, kiteboarding, art galleries, rivers, desert, escape room, casinos, amusement parks, statues, running, natural places, water parks, walking trails, parks, ancient ruins, music, trail running, gardens, water sports, shooting ranges, towers, castles, kitesurfing, disco, clubs, walkways, cemeteries, architectural buildings, secret, wine bars, caves, nature reserves, churches, adventure parks, cathedrals, nightlife, golf, shopping, food, bars, skateboard, pubs, playgrounds in South Korea.


More details about Busan in South Korea (KR)

It is located in time zone UTC+09:00 (valid in period standard time).

Population of Busan is 3.453.198 citizens, if we consider 2018 latest census. You need to have a call local phones? Use 51 if you are calling local phone numbers. Busan zip code is 600-010, 619-963, so if you want to send anything to family by post on your tripit can be used this post code as per description.

Its size is 769 square kilometers, great if you want to visit a large city, crowdy full of attractions and activities to do. Here you may find expensive accommodations due to Busan very high accommodation prices, and this is why you could find it like base in order to relaxing in luxury tired by walking the big city.

Busan elevation above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is about 30 meters. For this reason this city is an ideal trip destination when you and firends like plain land to go to for your next travel.

For extra information for Busan check its official website http://www.busan.go.kr.

Amazing historical finds worth to see for your trip to Busan are:

    Busan Gudeok Stadium, Sajik Baseball Stadium

Busan things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • jet skiing, turkish baths, surf, therms, bodyboard, snowboard, sailboats, water skiing, diving, docks, skiing, climbing, aquariums, wellness, abseiling, boat rides, beaches, scenic roads, paddle, scuba diving, off-road trails, wakeboard, canoeing, snorkeling, swimming, parachute, biking, kayaking, horse trails, hammam, museums, rafting, spa, windsurfing, tennis, ranches, snow tubing, paddleboarding, hunting, festival, islands, theme parks, skydiving, farms, adventure, mines, mosques, zoo, mountains, monuments, religious sites, treasure hunts, historical sites, slopes, national parks, hiking, valleys, forest, nature, bridges, lakes, wildlife, fountains, countryside, events, fishing, geological formations, hiking trails, kiteboarding, art galleries, rivers, desert, escape room, casinos, amusement parks, statues, running, natural places, water parks, walking trails, parks, ancient ruins, music, trail running, gardens, water sports, shooting ranges, towers, castles, kitesurfing, disco, clubs, walkways, cemeteries, architectural buildings, secret, wine bars, caves, nature reserves, churches, adventure parks, cathedrals, nightlife, golf, shopping, food, bars, skateboard, pubs, playgrounds.

    Interactive Busan (South Korea) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Busan, South Korea (KR).