Prince Albert

Info about Prince Albert, Western Cape (South Africa)

Prince Albert region is Western Cape, Central Karoo District Municipality, located in South Africa (ZA).

Other names for Prince Albert are Prince Albert, Prins Albert, latitude is -33.2247600, and longitude is 22.0267300.

With a population of 13.136 people, this area timezone is Africa/Johannesburg (Africa/Johannesburg_cet).

Things you can do if you travel to Prince Albert are countryside, festival, therms, desert, wine bars, caves, swimming in all South Africa.


More details about Prince Albert in South Africa (ZA)

It is the capital of Prince Albert Local Municipality.

You are looking to use telephone for calling local telephones! You can use 23 as local dialing code for local phone numbers. It’s zip code is 6930, for this reason, for post delivery from Prince Albert this can be done by using 6930 zip code as per description above.

Prince Albert dimensions are 37 sq. km., for this reason it is nicely small town , nice destination for travelers that are interested in quiet places as a good location to sleep, a quiet countryside area with no confusion that characterizes big metropolis. Here you can save money due to its low room prices, and for this reason you can use Prince Albert like basecamp in order to visit all South Africa or Prince Albert near things to do.

Its elevation above mean sea level, or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) should be about 633 mt. That’s why this city is a perfect travel destination if you and your family love tall land to visit in your next vacation and want to do trekking while you are tripping in a new place.

Prince Albert things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • countryside, festival, therms, desert, wine bars, caves, swimming.

    Interactive Prince Albert (South Africa) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Prince Albert, Western Cape Central Karoo District Municipality South Africa (ZA).