
Info about Calitzdorp, Western Cape (South Africa)

Calitzdorp is a in Western Cape, Eden District Municipality, in country South Africa (ZA).

It is also called Calitzdorp, its latitude is -33.5275500, and its longitude is 21.6762000.

Calitzdorp population is 4.284 citizens, its timezone is Africa/Johannesburg (Africa/Johannesburg_cet).

Things to do in Calitzdorp are therms, desert, off-road trails, wine bars in all South Africa.


More details about Calitzdorp in South Africa (ZA)

Do You are looking to call local telephones! Use 44 if you wish to call local phone numbers. Calitzdorp postal code is 6660, so for sending postcards to your partner this can be done by using the post code as explained.

Calitzdorp meters above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL) is about 260 meters. For this it is an ideal place if you love flat areas to go to in your next travel.

Calitzdorp things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • therms, desert, off-road trails, wine bars.

    Interactive Calitzdorp (South Africa) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Calitzdorp, Western Cape Eden District Municipality South Africa (ZA).