
Info about Midrand, Gauteng (South Africa)

Midrand is a region in Gauteng, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, situated in South Africa (ZA).

It is also called Midrand, Мидранд, its latitude is -25.9895300, and longitude is 28.1284300.

In Midrand are located 173.009 inhabitants, this area timezone is Africa/Johannesburg (Africa/Johannesburg_cet).

Things to do in Midrand are mosques, theme parks, amusement parks, events, aquariums, shopping, castles, nightlife, disco, zoo, adventure parks, religious sites in South Africa.


More details about Midrand in South Africa (ZA)

You are looking to have a call local people? You can use 11 as local dialing code for local phone numbers. Midrand zip code is 1682, so if you want to send anything to your friends by post on your tripthis can be done by using the code as per description.

Its dimension is 152 sq. km., good if you’d like to travel to a medium-sized city that can soon become, if it is not already, boomtown, in our opinion a place that you should visit. If you stay here you can find cheap accommodations due to their economic housing costs, and for this reason you could use it like a base if you want to move across South Africa or Midrand near things to do.

Midrand elevation above mean sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 1562 mt. For this this city is an ideal trip destination when you like tall ground to visit for your next travel and want to do hiking if you are going somewhere else.

Midrand things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mosques, theme parks, amusement parks, events, aquariums, shopping, castles, nightlife, disco, zoo, adventure parks, religious sites.

    Interactive Midrand (South Africa) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Midrand, Gauteng City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality South Africa (ZA).