Ljubno ob Savinji

Info about Ljubno ob Savinji, (Slovenia)

It is also called Ljubno ob Savinji, its latitude is 46.3435800, and its longitude 14.8337700.

In Ljubno ob Savinji there are 1.104 residents, this area timezone is Europe/Ljubljana (Europe/Ljubljana_cet).

Ljubno ob Savinji is a popular destination for fishing, volcanoes in all Slovenia.


More details about Ljubno ob Savinji in Slovenia (SI)

Ljubno ob Savinji time zone is UTC+01:00 (valid in period standard time).

Ljubno ob Savinji postal code is 3333, then if you want to send anything to anyone via post on your travel you can use 3333 code as described above.

Its dimension is 1 square kilometers so Ljubno ob Savinji is very relaxing place great trip destination for people that like small destinations for a quiet base location to sleep, a quiet countryside without distractions that you find in large urban areas. If you book an accommodation in Ljubno ob Savinji you can find cheap hotels due to Ljubno ob Savinji economic room rates, and this is why you could have it as your base if you want to visit all Slovenia or Ljubno ob Savinji near cities.

Ljubno ob Savinji altitude above sea level technically meters above sea level (MASL), is 423 meters. For this Ljubno ob Savinji is the ideal destination when you and your partner want high land to visit for your next trip and love adventure in the nature if on a vacation somewhere in the world.

For info on Ljubno ob Savinji please check Ljubno ob Savinji official webpage http://www.ljubno.si/.

Ljubno ob Savinji things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • fishing, volcanoes.

    Interactive Ljubno ob Savinji (Slovenia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ljubno ob Savinji, Slovenia (SI).