Teplička nad Váhom

Info about Teplička nad Váhom, Zilina (Slovakia)

Teplička nad Váhom region is Zilina, Okres Žilina, in Slovakia (SK).

Other names for Teplička nad Váhom are Teplicka nad Vahom, Teplička nad Váhom, latitude is 49.2243500, and longitude 18.7999500.

In Teplička nad Váhom are located 4.217 natives, this region timezone is Europe/Bratislava (Europe/Bratislava_cet).

In Teplička nad Váhom you can go for jet skiing, trail running, snowboard, skiing, slopes, water skiing, snow tubing, running in Slovakia.


More details about Teplička nad Váhom in Slovakia (SK)

The official name for Teplička nad Váhom is Teplička nad Váhom (ZA).

Teplička nad Váhom has timezone UTC+01:00 (during standard time).

In Teplička nad Váhom there are 4.217 natives, considering 2017 last census. You need to use telephone for calling local telephones! Use 41 if you wish to call local phone numbers. It’s zip code is 013 01, then for post delivery this can be done by using 013 01 code as explained.

Teplička nad Váhom dimensions are 10 sq. km. for this reason it is nicely small place suggested travel destination for who are interested in relaxing destinations for a quiet location to sleep, a quiet town with no loudness common of large cities. If you book an accommodation in Teplička nad Váhom you can save money because of their cheap accommodation rates, so this is why you can use Teplička nad Váhom as your base if you want to visit all Slovakia and Teplička nad Váhom near places.

Its elevation above sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL), is under 356 meters. That’s why this city is the ideal travel destination when you and your partner love high mountains to see for your next travel and want to do mountain rails walking if tripping in a new place.

If you’re looking for other information for this city see Teplička nad Váhom official webpage http://www.teplickanadvahom.sk.

Teplička nad Váhom things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • jet skiing, trail running, snowboard, skiing, slopes, water skiing, snow tubing, running.

    Interactive Teplička nad Váhom (Slovakia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Teplička nad Váhom, Zilina Okres Žilina Slovakia (SK).