Hrubá Borša

Info about Hrubá Borša, Bratislava (Slovakia)

Hrubá Borša is a village of Bratislava, Okres Senec, with country Slovakia (SK).

It is also called Hruba Borsa, Hrubá Borša, Nagy-Borsa, Nagyborsa, its latitude is 48.1813500, and longitude 17.4826600.

Hrubá Borša population is 891 people, Hrubá Borša timezone is Europe/Bratislava (Europe/Bratislava_cet).

If you travel to Hrubá Borša you can enjoy golf in Slovakia.


More details about Hrubá Borša in Slovakia (SK)

Officially, its name is Hrubá Borša (SC).

In Hrubá Borša there are 891 people, related to 2017 census. You need to use telephone for calling local telephone numbers. Local dialing code for Hrubá Borša is 2. Hrubá Borša zip code is 900 50 (pošta Kráľová pri Senci), this is why for post delivery on your travel it can be used this postal code as per description above.

Its dimension is 5 sq. kilometers so it is nicely relaxing town suggested travel destination for trippers that are searching for quiet cities as location on a travel, an incredibly calm area with no distractions that characterizes big urban areas. In this town you save money due to Hrubá Borša cheap rooms costs, and for this reason you and your friends may use Hrubá Borša like base in order to visit all Slovakia and Hrubá Borša near places.

Hrubá Borša height above sea level, called also meters above sea level (MASL) is under 120 meters above sea. For this this is the perfect travel destination when you and firends want flat areas to see for your next holiday.

For extra info about Hrubá Borša please check their official website

Hrubá Borša things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • golf.

    Interactive Hrubá Borša (Slovakia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Hrubá Borša, Bratislava Okres Senec Slovakia (SK).