
Info about Koindu, (Sierra Leone)

Alternate names are Koindu, latitude is 8.4609400, and its longitude -10.3350500.

Koindu is considered one of the top destinations for music, desert, religious sites, amusement parks, mosques, hunting, islands, events, wine bars, running, water parks, rivers, ancient ruins around Sierra Leone.


More details about Koindu in Sierra Leone (SL)

Its altitude above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) should be around 0 mt. This is why Koindu is the perfect place if you and your partner want to contemplate the sea.

Koindu things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • music, desert, religious sites, amusement parks, mosques, hunting, islands, events, wine bars, running, water parks, rivers, ancient ruins.

    Interactive Koindu (Sierra Leone) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Koindu, Sierra Leone (SL).