
Info about Kayonza, Eastern Province (Rwanda)

Kayonza region is Eastern Province, Kayonza District, Nyamirama, in Rwanda (RW).

Other names for Kayonza are Kayonza, latitude is -1.9509000, and its longitude 30.5205000.

Kayonza is a popular travel destination for abseiling, fountains, religious sites, fishing, monuments, aquariums, ancient ruins, water parks, historical sites, ranches, off-road trails, cathedrals, biking, hunting, escape room, architectural buildings, nature reserves over Rwanda.


More details about Kayonza in Rwanda (RW)

Its meters above sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 0 meters above sea. That’s why it is the ideal destination when you and your partner love to do a sea trip.

Kayonza things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • abseiling, fountains, religious sites, fishing, monuments, aquariums, ancient ruins, water parks, historical sites, ranches, off-road trails, cathedrals, biking, hunting, escape room, architectural buildings, nature reserves.

    Interactive Kayonza (Rwanda) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Kayonza, Eastern Province Kayonza District Rwanda (RW).