
Info about Romanovka, (Russia)

Romanovka is also called Romanovka, Romanowka, Романовка, latitude is 51.7442700, and its longitude is 42.7527000.

Romanovka has a population of 6.546 residents, this location timezone is Europe/Saratov (Europe/Saratov_cet).

Things you can do in Romanovka are volcanoes over Russia.


More details about Romanovka in Russia (RU)

It is the capital of Romanovsky District, Saratov Oblast.

It’s time zone is UTC+03:00 (in standard time).

It’s population is 6.546 citizenry, if we consider 2018 census. It’s postal code is 412271, so if you want to send anything to your friends by post in Romanovka this can be done by using the zip as explained.

Its meters above mean sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 0 meters. Because of this it is an ideal trip destination if you and your friends want to watch the sea.

Romanovka things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • volcanoes.

    Interactive Romanovka (Russia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Romanovka, Russia (RU).