
Info about Bolgar, (Russia)

Also called Bolgar, Bulgar, Kuybyshev, Spask, Spassk, Spassk-Tatarskiy, Болгар, its latitude is 54.9500000, and longitude is 49.0666700.

With 8.381 inhabitants, this place timezone is Europe/Moscow (Europe/Moscow_cet).

In Bolgar you can do mosques, scuba diving, diving in Russia.


More details about Bolgar in Russia (RU)

It is the capital of Spassky District.

It is located in time zone UTC+03:00 (valid in period standard time).

Population of Bolgar is 8.381 citizens, related to 2019 last census. You need to use telephone for calling local phone numbers. You can use 84347 as local dialing code for phone numbers. Bolgar zip code is 422840, so for post delivery it can be used this zip as explained.

Its square area is 116 square kilometers, ideal for travelling to mid-sized cities, in our opinion a city worth visiting. Here you can save money due to their low room prices, and this is why you could use Bolgar like your base to visit all Russia or Bolgar near places.

Bolgar elevation above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 80 meters. For this reason this city is an ideal travel destination if you and your family want plain areas to see for your next travel.

Bolgar things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mosques, scuba diving, diving.

    Interactive Bolgar (Russia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Bolgar, Russia (RU).