
Info about Izvoare, Dolj (Romania)

Izvoare is a village of Dolj, in Romania (RO).

Izvoare names are also Rudari, its latitude is 44.1477300, and longitude 23.2958200.

With a population of 924 residents, Izvoare timezone is Europe/Bucharest (Europe/Bucharest_cet).

Considered best destination for jet skiing around Romania.


More details about Izvoare in Romania (RO)

It is the capital of Izvoare.

It has timezone UTC+02:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Izvoare live 924 residents, related to 2011 last census. Izvoare zip code is 207345, this is why for post delivery on your tripthis can be done by using the zip as explained.

Its size is 49 square kilometers so it is nicely calm town good trip destination for people that are searching for small destinations for a good location to sleep, an incredibly quite city without confusion common in big metropolis. If you book an accommodation in Izvoare you can find cheap accommodations because of its cheap housing costs, so for this reason you can use Izvoare like your basecamp in order to move across Romania or Izvoare near places.

Izvoare elevation above sea level, basically meters above sea level (MASL) is 126 mt. That is why this city is the perfect travel destination if you and your partner love flat areas to visit for your next trip.

Izvoare things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • jet skiing.

    Interactive Izvoare (Romania) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Izvoare, Dolj Romania (RO).