George Enescu

Info about George Enescu, Botoşani (Romania)

George Enescu region is Botoşani, in Romania (RO).

Alternate names are George Enescu, Gheorghe Doja, Liveni Virnav, Liveni Vîrnav, Liventi Varnov, Liventi Vârnov, latitude is 48.0333300, and its longitude is 26.4833300.

With a population of 167 folks, this location timezone is Europe/Bucharest (Europe/Bucharest_cet).

George Enescu is considered one of the best destinations for museums, festival, music, events, architectural buildings, fountains, disco, tennis, treasure hunts, valleys, therms, desert, towers, castles in Romania.


More details about George Enescu in Romania (RO)

Located in time zone Eastern European Time (valid in period standard time).

In George Enescu live 167 folks, according to 2011 last census. It’s postal code is 717170, so for sending postcards to your partner in George Enescu you can use this zip as described above.

George Enescu square area is 59 square kilometers, good if you like to visit a mid-sized city, definitely a town that you should visit. If you stay in this town you can save money because of its economic accommodation rates, so this is why you could use George Enescu as your basecamp if you want to visit all Romania and George Enescu near cities.

Its meters above mean sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 162 meters above sea. This is why it is an ideal place when you and family like flat land to see in your next travel.

If you want extra information for this city check George Enescu official website

George Enescu things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • museums, festival, music, events, architectural buildings, fountains, disco, tennis, treasure hunts, valleys, therms, desert, towers, castles.

    Interactive George Enescu (Romania) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of George Enescu, Botoşani Romania (RO).