
Info about Belciugatele, Călăraşi (Romania)

Belciugatele is a place of Călăraşi, in Romania (RO).

Belciugatele names are also Belciugatele, its latitude is 44.4833300, and its longitude 26.4333300.

Belciugatele has a population of 1.101 people, its timezone is Europe/Bucharest (Europe/Bucharest_cet).

Things to do in Belciugatele are wakeboard, fishing over Romania.


More details about Belciugatele in Romania (RO)

It is the capital of Belciugatele.

It has timezone UTC+02:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Belciugatele live 1.101 people, related to 2011 latest census. Belciugatele postal code is 917010, this is why if you want to send anything to family via post you can use this post code as explained.

Its dimension is 80140 square kilometers ideal for people who like metropolies, crowdy with a lot of attractions and entertainment. If you stay here you can find high budget accommodations due to its high accommodation rates, so for this reason you may enjoy it like a base if you want to find SPAs and Thermal baths tired by visiting this Belciugatele.

Belciugatele meters above sea level basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 69 meters. That is why it is the perfect destination if you want plain land to see for your next vacation.

If you are searching for more information on Belciugatele you can visit Belciugatele official webpage

Belciugatele things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • wakeboard, fishing.

    Interactive Belciugatele (Romania) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Belciugatele, Călăraşi Romania (RO).