
Info about Guarda, Distrito da Guarda (Portugal)

Guarda is a village in Distrito da Guarda, Guarda, in Portugal (PT).

It is also called Guarda, guaruda, Гуарда, グアルダ, its latitude is 40.5373300, and longitude is -7.2657500.

In Guarda live 42.541 natives, this place timezone is Europe/Lisbon (Europe/Lisbon_cet).

Things to do in Guarda are skiing, snowboard, gardens, ranches, skateboard, slopes, shooting ranges, kitesurfing, statues, museums, hunting, trail running, clubs, running, food, escape room, architectural buildings, ancient ruins, historical sites around Portugal.


More details about Guarda in Portugal (PT)

It is the capital of Guarda District.

Guarda time zone is Western European Time (for standard time).

In Guarda there are 42.541 natives, according to 2011 latest census. Guarda zip code is 6300–6301, so for sending postcards to friends on your travel this can be done by using this zip code as described above.

Its square area is 717 sq. kilometers, so Guarda is a relatively large city, crowdy full of attractions and entertainment. Here you may spend big money due to Guarda very high accommodation rates, so for this reason you can enjoy Guarda like a base if you want to getting the comfort of luxury after going around the big city.

Guarda elevation above mean sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 1056 meters. For this this city is an ideal place if you and your family like high mountains to visit for your next holiday and love trekking while you are on a vacation far away.

If you need detailed information on Guarda check their official website

Guarda things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • skiing, snowboard, gardens, ranches, skateboard, slopes, shooting ranges, kitesurfing, statues, museums, hunting, trail running, clubs, running, food, escape room, architectural buildings, ancient ruins, historical sites.

    Interactive Guarda (Portugal) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Guarda, Distrito da Guarda Guarda Portugal (PT).