
Info about Cacém, Distrito de Lisboa (Portugal)

Cacém region is Distrito de Lisboa, Sintra, in Portugal (PT).

Alternate names are Cacem, Cacém, latitude is 38.7669800, and its longitude -9.2979300.

Cacém has a population of 81.845 residents, this city timezone is Europe/Lisbon (Europe/Lisbon_cet).

Popular things to do in Cacém are adventure, natural places, walkways around Portugal.


More details about Cacém in Portugal (PT)

Located in time zone UTC±00:00 (valid for standard time).

In Cacém live 81.845 residents, related to 2001 census. It’s postal code is 2735, this is why for sending postcards to your friends in Cacém this can be done by using this post code as explained.

Cacém dimensions are 10 square km. for this reason Cacém should be relatively small area , an ideal travel destination for people that are interested in small destinations as a quiet location on a travel, a quiet town without loudness that characterizes large metropolis. If you stay in this town you save money due to its cheap housing prices, and this is why you and your travel companions could have it like a base if you want to visit all Portugal and Cacém near adventures.

Its altitude above sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 43 meters. This is why Cacém the perfect place if you and partner like plain land to go to in your next trip.

For more detailed information about this city please visit their official website

Cacém things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • adventure, natural places, walkways.

    Interactive Cacém (Portugal) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Cacém, Distrito de Lisboa Sintra Portugal (PT).