Miranda do Douro

Info about Miranda do Douro, Distrito de Bragança (Portugal)

Miranda do Douro is a district in Distrito de Bragança, and country is Portugal (PT).

It is also called Miranda, Miranda de l Douro, Miranda del Douro, Miranda del Duero, Miranda do Doras, Miranda do Douro, Miranda l Douro, Miranda-du-Doru, miranda-du-doru, myranda dwdwywrw, Миранда-ду-Дору, Міранда-ду-Дору, میراندا دودوئورو, მირანდა-დუ-დორუ, ミランダ・ド・ドウロ, its latitude is 41.4969200, and longitude is -6.2730800.

Miranda do Douro population is 7.482 residents, this area timezone is Europe/Lisbon (Europe/Lisbon_cet).

If you travel to Miranda do Douro you can enjoy national parks, rafting, nature reserves, geological formations, valleys, rivers, forest, paddle, parks, lakes, canoeing, shooting ranges, kayaking, fishing, clubs, statues, wildlife in Portugal.


More details about Miranda do Douro in Portugal (PT)

Miranda do Douro time zone is UTC±00:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Miranda do Douro there are 7.482 residents, according to 2011 census. Miranda do Douro zip code is 5210, so if you want to send anything to your friends by post from Miranda do Douro this can be done by using 5210 zip code as per description above.

Its dimension is 487 square kilometers, so its a mid-sized city, in our opinion a place worth visiting. If you stay here you can save money because of Miranda do Douro cheap hotel costs, so this is why you can use it like a base in order to visit all Portugal or Miranda do Douro near cities.

Miranda do Douro elevation above mean sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 675 mt. For this this city is an ideal trip destination if you and your partner like high land to visit for your next vacation and want to do trail when travelling away from home.

Shares borders with for example Mogadouro, Fermoselle, Villar del Buey, Fariza, Torregamones, Villardiegua de la Ribera, Fonfría, Alcañices, Vimioso. This is why you and your friends can easily visit those close destinations for new Portugal adventures.

For other data about Miranda do Douro please visit their official webpage http://www.cm-mdouro.pt/.

Miranda do Douro things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • national parks, rafting, nature reserves, geological formations, valleys, rivers, forest, paddle, parks, lakes, canoeing, shooting ranges, kayaking, fishing, clubs, statues, wildlife.

    Interactive Miranda do Douro (Portugal) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Miranda do Douro, Distrito de Bragança Portugal (PT).