
Info about Fiães, Distrito de Aveiro (Portugal)

Fiães is a place in Distrito de Aveiro, Santa Maria da Feira, in Portugal (PT).

Fiães names are also Fiaes, Fiais, Fiães, Fiãis, its latitude is 40.9944600, and longitude is -8.5253700.

Fiães population is 8.708 occupiers, Fiães timezone is Europe/Lisbon (Europe/Lisbon_cet).

For your trip to Fiães you can farms in all Portugal.


More details about Fiães in Portugal (PT)

It has timezone Western European Time (valid in period standard time).

Its dimension is 6 square kilometers, so it is counted as very relaxing place , amazing place for travelers that are interested in small places for a quiet base location to travel to, an incredibly calm city with no confusion common of big metropolis. If you book an accommodation in Fiães you can find cheap hotels due to its low rooms costs, so this is why you and your friends can have Fiães like your base in order to move across Portugal or Fiães near places.

Fiães elevation above mean sea level, technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), counts 0 mt. That is why this city is an ideal destination if you and your friends like to swim in the sea.

Fiães things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • farms.

    Interactive Fiães (Portugal) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Fiães, Distrito de Aveiro Santa Maria da Feira Portugal (PT).