
Info about Puszczykowo, Województwo Wielkopolskie (Poland)

Puszczykowo is a spot of Województwo Wielkopolskie, Powiat poznański, and country is Poland (PL).

Puszczykowo names are also Puscikovo, Pushchikovo, Pushhikovo, Puszczykowo, Puščikovo, pu shen qi ke wo, Пушчиково, Пущиково, 普什奇科沃, its latitude is 52.2857000, and longitude 16.8492500.

Puszczykowo population is 9.143 residents, this area timezone is Europe/Warsaw (Europe/Warsaw_cet).

In your trip to Puszczykowo you can do wellness, hammam in Poland.


More details about Puszczykowo in Poland (PL)

It has timezone UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).

Puszczykowo zip code is 62-040 i 62-041, then for sending postcards to your partner on your travel it can be used this postal code as described above.

Its dimensions are 16 square km. this is why it is counted as relatively quiet place a nice location for travelers that are interested in small places as a quiet base location on a travel, an incredibly calm town with no loudness common in big urban areas. If you stay in this town you can find cheap hotels because of its cheap hotel costs, so this is why you and your friends could use it like your base if you want to move across Poland and Puszczykowo near cities.

Puszczykowo elevation above sea level, or meters above sea level (MASL), is 0 mt. That is why this city is the ideal place if you and friends want being near the sea.

If you want extra data for this city go to its official website http://www.puszczykowo.pl.

Puszczykowo things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • wellness, hammam.

    Interactive Puszczykowo (Poland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Puszczykowo, Województwo Wielkopolskie Powiat poznański Poland (PL).