
Info about Tczew, Województwo Pomorskie (Poland)

Tczew is a town of Województwo Pomorskie, in Poland (PL).

Also called Derszewo, Dirschau, Dërszewò, Tceva, Tcevas, Tchev, Tczew, Tčeva, Tčevas, Тчев, its latitude is 54.0924200, and its longitude 18.7778700.

With a population of 60.133 residents, this area timezone is Europe/Warsaw (Europe/Warsaw_cet).

In your trip to Tczew you can do bridges, bars in Poland.


More details about Tczew in Poland (PL)

It’s official name is Tczew (GTC).

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).

Tczew postal code is 83-100 à 83-110, this is why for post delivery from Tczew you can use this zip as described above.

Its dimensions are 22 square km. this is why Tczew is counted as nicely quiet place , an ideal travel destination for travelers that are interested in small places for a quiet base location to sleep, a quiet countryside without loudness typical of large metropolis. In Tczew you can find cheap hotels due to Tczew cheap accommodation costs, and for this reason you could have it like your base to visit all Poland or Tczew near places.

Tczew meters above sea level, that is meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is about 25 mt. For this reason it is the perfect travel destination when you and family like plain land to go to in your next vacation.

Cities near Tczew that you can visit are beautiful cities like Gmina Lichnowy, Gmina Tczew, Miłoradz, Gmina Subkowy. As those cities are near Tczew you and your family can effortlessly travel to these other destinations to visit for new destinations in Poland.

You can find lakes, rivers and sea very near to Tczew. Destinations like Vistula are to visit if you and your friends are interested in destinations with a lot of water.

For other data about Tczew have a look at their official website

Tczew things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • bridges, bars.

    Interactive Tczew (Poland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Tczew, Województwo Pomorskie Poland (PL).