Sokołów Podlaski

Info about Sokołów Podlaski, Województwo Mazowieckie (Poland)

Sokołów Podlaski is a location of Województwo Mazowieckie, in Poland (PL).

It is also called Palenkes Sokoluvas, Palenkės Sokoluvas, Sakolau Padljaski, Sokolov Podlaski, Sokolov Podljaski, Sokolova Podlaska, Sokolow, Sokolow Podlaski, Sokoluv-Pidljas’kij, Sokoluv-Podljaski, Sokoluv-Podljaskij, Sokołów, Sokołów Podlaski, bo de la xie de qu suo ke wu fu, swqwlwb pwdlsqy, Саколаў Падляскі, Соколов Подласки, Соколов Подляски, Соколув-Подляски, Соколув-Подляский, Соколув-Підляський, סוקולוב פודלסקי, 波德拉謝地區索科武夫, its latitude is 52.4067700, and longitude 22.2530700.

Sokołów Podlaski population is 18.241 citizens, this area timezone is Europe/Warsaw (Europe/Warsaw_cet).

In Sokołów Podlaski you can do cathedrals around Poland.


More details about Sokołów Podlaski in Poland (PL)

Sokołów Podlaski time zone is UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

Its size is 17 sq. kilometers so it is quitely calm town , amazing travel destination for trippers that like quiet destinations for a quiet location on a trip, an incredibly quite area with no loudness common in large cities. If you stay here you can find cheap accommodations because of its economic rooms costs, and this is why you and your travel companions could use it as basecamp to visit all Poland or Sokołów Podlaski near things to do.

Sokołów Podlaski height above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is under 0 meters. For this this is the ideal trip destination when you and your partner love being near the sea.

If you need more detailed information about this city you can have a look at their official website

Sokołów Podlaski things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • cathedrals.

    Interactive Sokołów Podlaski (Poland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Sokołów Podlaski, Województwo Mazowieckie Poland (PL).