
Info about Mariveles, Central Luzon (Philippines)

Mariveles is a place of Central Luzon, Province of Bataan, in Philippines (PH).

Mariveles names are also Mariveles, its latitude is 14.4338500, and longitude 120.4856900.

In Mariveles are located 102.844 people, this place timezone is Asia/Manila (Asia/Manila_cet).

If you travel to Mariveles you can enjoy mountains, hiking, hiking trails, climbing, walking trails, hunting, docks in Philippines.


More details about Mariveles in Philippines (PH)

In Mariveles live 102.844 people, related to 2007 last census. You need to have a call local telephones. If you want to call local numbers in Mariveles you can use 47 as local dialing code. Mariveles zip code is 2105, this is why if you want to send anything to your family by post you can use the post code as explained.

Its dimension is 153 km2 good if you’d like to travel to a medium-sized city that can soon become, if it is not already, boomtown, in our opinion a city that you should visit. If you stay in this town you save money due to their economic rooms costs, so for this reason you could use it like a base to move across Philippines and Mariveles near places.

Mariveles elevation above sea level, called also meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is 475 meters. That is why this city is the perfect trip destination if you and your friends want high areas to visit for your next trip and want to do climbing when you are on a vacation in a new place.

From Mariveles you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, astonishing cities like Bagac, Limay. This is why you and your friends could effortlessly travel to those other surroundings to explore more Philippines.

The climate classification in this city is tropical monsoon climate.

If you’re looking for data for this city you can visit Mariveles website

Mariveles things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mountains, hiking, hiking trails, climbing, walking trails, hunting, docks.

    Interactive Mariveles (Philippines) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Mariveles, Central Luzon Province of Bataan Philippines (PH).