Buenos Aires

Info about Buenos Aires, Piura (Peru)

Buenos Aires is a of Piura, Morropon, in country Peru (PE).

It is also called Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Hacienda, its latitude is -5.2608300, and its longitude -79.9641700.

In Buenos Aires there are 9.410 residents, its timezone is America/Lima (America/Lima_cet).

One of the top destinations for wine bars, snowboard, skateboard, zoo, kayaking, shooting ranges, canoeing, hunting, art galleries, amusement parks, paddle around Peru.


More details about Buenos Aires in Peru (PE)

In Buenos Aires there are 9.410 residents, considering 2017 census.

Buenos Aires area is 245 sq. km. so Buenos Aires is a medium size city that can become, if it is not already, a boomtown, definitely a town worth visiting. If you stay in this town you can save money because of Buenos Aires economic rooms rates, so for this reason you could have it as your basecamp in order to visit all Peru or Buenos Aires near cities.

Buenos Aires meters above sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 135 mt. For this it is the ideal trip destination if you and your partner love flat ground to visit in your next travel.

Near Buenos Aires there are nice cities to visit, beautiful cities like La Matanza District, Morropón District, Salitral District, Santa Catalina de Mossa District, San Juan de Bigote District, Yamango District. As those cities are very close you and your friends could easily visit those other wonderful destinations for new adventures.

Buenos Aires things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • wine bars, snowboard, skateboard, zoo, kayaking, shooting ranges, canoeing, hunting, art galleries, amusement parks, paddle.

    Interactive Buenos Aires (Peru) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Buenos Aires, Piura Morropon Peru (PE).