
Info about Quehue, Cusco (Peru)

Quehue is a location of Cusco, Provincia de Canas, in Peru (PE).

its latitude is -14.3800000, and its longitude -71.4550000.

With a population of 2.577 occupants, this area timezone is America/Lima (America/Lima_cet).

Quehue is famous for activities like bridges around Peru.


More details about Quehue in Peru (PE)

In Quehue there are 2.577 occupants, considering 2017 latest census.

Quehue area is 143 square kilometers good if you like to visit a mid-sized city, definitely a place worth a visit. If you stay in this town you save money because of Quehue low rooms rates, and for this reason you may have Quehue like your base to move across Peru and Quehue near cities.

Quehue altitude above sea level specifically meters above sea level (MASL), is under 3792 meters. For this Quehue is the ideal destination when you and family want high ground to see in your next travel and love mountain rails walking while you are on a vacation to see a new place.

Quehue things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • bridges.

    Interactive Quehue (Peru) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Quehue, Cusco Provincia de Canas Peru (PE).