
Info about Tapay, Arequipa (Peru)

Tapay is a area in Arequipa, Provincia de Caylloma, in Peru (PE).

Tapay names are also Cahuara, Tapay, its latitude is -15.5780600, and its longitude is -71.9391700.

In Tapay are located 772 residents, Tapay timezone is America/Lima (America/Lima_cet).

In Tapay you can do rafting in Peru.


More details about Tapay in Peru (PE)

In Tapay live 772 residents, according to 2017 latest census.

Its size is 420 sq. km., good if you’d like to travel to a medium-sized city that can soon become, if it is not already, boomtown, definitely a city worth a visit. If you stay here you can save money due to its economic hotel costs, and for this reason you may use Tapay like base in order to move across Peru or Tapay near adventures.

Tapay altitude above mean sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 2975 meters above sea. That is why Tapay is an ideal place if you and partner want tall areas to see in your next vacation and want to do trail while going somewhere in the world.

Tapay things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • rafting.

    Interactive Tapay (Peru) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Tapay, Arequipa Provincia de Caylloma Peru (PE).