San José

Info about San José, Provincia de Los Santos (Panama)

San José is a place in Provincia de Los Santos, Provincia de Los Santos, situated in Panama (PA).

Also called San Jose, San José, its latitude is 7.6739500, and longitude is -80.2443800.

With 523 people, San José timezone is America/Panama (America/Panama_cet).

Things to do in San José are water sports, rafting, paddleboarding, surf, off-road trails, ancient ruins, religious sites, swimming, scenic roads, beaches, mines, historical sites, volcanoes, trail running, biking, desert, castles, cathedrals, churches in Panama.


More details about San José in Panama (PA)

Its square area is 3809 sq. kilometers, so San José is a relatively large city, crowdy with a lot of distractions and activities to do. If you stay in this city you can find high budget accommodations due to their very high housing prices, so for this reason you could enjoy San José as your base in order to relaxing in luxury after visiting this big city.

San José elevation above mean sea level called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 0 mt. For this reason this city is an ideal travel destination if you and your family want to do a sea travel.

San José things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • water sports, rafting, paddleboarding, surf, off-road trails, ancient ruins, religious sites, swimming, scenic roads, beaches, mines, historical sites, volcanoes, trail running, biking, desert, castles, cathedrals, churches.

    Interactive San José (Panama) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of San José, Provincia de Los Santos Provincia de Los Santos Panama (PA).