Santa Rita

Info about Santa Rita, Provincia de Coclé (Panama)

Santa Rita region is Provincia de Coclé, Provincia de Coclé, in Panama (PA).

Santa Rita is also called Santa Rita, latitude is 8.4930700, and its longitude is -80.1829800.

In Santa Rita you can enjoy activities like food in Panama.


More details about Santa Rita in Panama (PA)

It’s time zone is UTC−05:00 (in standard time).

Santa Rita dimension is 4927 km2, ideal for visiting a big city, crowdy with a lot of distractions or entertainment. If you book an accommodation in Santa Rita you may find expensive accommodations because of their high room rates, so this is why you could find Santa Rita as basecamp if you want to getting the comfort of luxury tired by walking this metropolis.

Its meters above mean sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL) counts 0 mt. Because of this it is an ideal travel destination if you and your beloved ones love to do a sea trip.

Santa Rita things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • food.

    Interactive Santa Rita (Panama) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Santa Rita, Provincia de Coclé Provincia de Coclé Panama (PA).