Los Naranjos

Info about Los Naranjos, Provincia de Chiriquí (Panama)

Los Naranjos is a spot of Provincia de Chiriquí, Provincia de Chiriquí, in country Panama (PA).

It is also called Los Naranjos, its latitude is 8.7921000, and longitude -82.4466500.

Los Naranjos has a population of 426.790 inhabitants, this area timezone is America/Panama (America/Panama_cet).

Things to do in Los Naranjos are trail running, running, castles, hiking trails, hiking in Panama.


More details about Los Naranjos in Panama (PA)

In Los Naranjos there are 426.790 inhabitants, considering 2010 census.

Its size is 6490 square kilometers great if you want to visit a large city, busy with a lot of attractions or activities to do. In this city you may find expensive accommodations because of their high accommodation costs, so this is why you can enjoy it as base to relaxing in luxury after walking this Los Naranjos.

Los Naranjos elevation above sea level, called also meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is about 0 meters. For this this city is the ideal travel destination if you like to do a sea trip.

Los Naranjos things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • trail running, running, castles, hiking trails, hiking.

    Interactive Los Naranjos (Panama) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Los Naranjos, Provincia de Chiriquí Provincia de Chiriquí Panama (PA).