
Info about Vennesla, Agder (Norway)

Vennesla region is Agder, in Norway (NO).

Vennesla is also called Vennesla, Vennesla kommun, XXE, latitude is 58.2685600, and its longitude is 7.9731400.

With a population of 2.354 citizenry, this city timezone is Europe/Oslo (Europe/Oslo_cet).

Popular things to do in Vennesla are architectural buildings, hunting in Norway.


More details about Vennesla in Norway (NO)

It is the capital of Vennesla.

It’s time zone is UTC+01:00 (during standard time).

It’s population is 2.354 citizens, considering 2019 last census.

Vennesla dimensions are 7 sq. km., for this reason Vennesla appears to be very calm town good location for travelers that like relaxing destinations for their base to stay, a calm place without distractions common of large metropolis. If you stay here you save money because of Vennesla low rooms prices, and for this reason you and your travel companions may have it as a base if you want to move across Norway or Vennesla near places.

Its meters above mean sea level also called meters above sea level (MASL), is 44 mt. Because of this it is an ideal destination if you like flat areas to visit for your next vacation.

There are also other near cities you can visit, nice cities like Kristiansand, Songdalen, Marnardal, Evje og Hornnes, Iveland, Birkenes, Lindesnes. Because of this you and your companions could very quickly reach those other destinations to visit new things.

If you need extra data on this city please visit Vennesla official webpage

Characteristic ancient memorabilia nice to visit for your travel to Vennesla are:

    Vennesla Library and Culture House

Vennesla things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • architectural buildings, hunting.

    Interactive Vennesla (Norway) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Vennesla, Agder Norway (NO).