
Info about Vinica, (North Macedonia)

Vinica names are also Vinica, Виница, its latitude is 41.8827800, and its longitude 22.5091700.

Vinica population is 2.568 folks, its timezone is Europe/Skopje (Europe/Skopje_cet).

In your trip to Vinica you can do spa, wellness, hammam, castles in North Macedonia.


More details about Vinica in North Macedonia (MK)

It has timezone Central European Time (during standard time).

In Vinica live 2.568 folks, related to 1948 census. Do You are looking to use telephone for calling local telephones! Local dialing code for Vinica is 33. Vinica postal code is 2310, this is why for post delivery on your travel this can be done by using the postal code as per description.

Its size is 432 sq. km. so its a mid-sized city, definitely a place worth visiting. If you stay in this town you can find cheap accommodations because of their cheap accommodation prices, so for this reason you could have it like your basecamp in order to move across North Macedonia and Vinica near cities.

Vinica altitude above sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 410 mt. That is why Vinica is the perfect travel destination when you and firends love high areas to visit for your next holiday or are willing to do hiking if on holiday somewhere else.

For other info about this city see its official webpage

Vinica things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • spa, wellness, hammam, castles.

    Interactive Vinica (North Macedonia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Vinica, North Macedonia (MK).