
Info about Strumica, (North Macedonia)

Other names for Strumica are Stromitza, Stromnitsa, Stromnitza, Stroumitsa, Strumica, Strumitsa, Strumitza, Ustrumcha, Струмица, latitude is 41.4375000, and longitude 22.6433300.

In Strumica live 10.868 natives, its timezone is Europe/Skopje (Europe/Skopje_cet).

In Strumica you can go for snorkeling, events, music, countryside, festival, islands, museums, hunting, volcanoes, water sports, shooting ranges, tennis, mosques, nightlife, abseiling, geological formations, mines, historical sites, kiteboarding, biking, disco, forest, mountains, religious sites, fishing, swimming, clubs, valleys, nature reserves, rivers, towers, architectural buildings, art galleries, therms, canoeing, casinos, bars, wine bars, fountains, water skiing, hammam, running, natural places, farms, wildlife, lakes, parks, nature, food, shopping, adventure, theme parks, water parks, amusement parks, adventure parks, cathedrals, castles, ancient ruins, churches around North Macedonia.


More details about Strumica in North Macedonia (MK)

Its official name is Струмица (SR).

Strumica has timezone Central European Time (in standard time).

In Strumica there are 10.868 natives, related to 1948 latest census. You want to use telephone for calling local phones? You can use 34 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. It’s zip code is 2400, this is why for post delivery on your tripyou can use this code as per description above.

Strumica dimension is 109 km2 so Strumica is ideal for people who like medium-sized cities, in our opinion a town worth a visit. In this town you can find cheap accommodations because of its low rooms costs, and for this reason you could use Strumica like basecamp in order to move across North Macedonia and Strumica near things to do.

Its height above sea level basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 203 meters. That’s why this is the perfect travel destination if you and your beloved ones like flat land to visit in your next trip.

If you want more detailed data on Strumica have a look at their website

Strumica things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • snorkeling, events, music, countryside, festival, islands, museums, hunting, volcanoes, water sports, shooting ranges, tennis, mosques, nightlife, abseiling, geological formations, mines, historical sites, kiteboarding, biking, disco, forest, mountains, religious sites, fishing, swimming, clubs, valleys, nature reserves, rivers, towers, architectural buildings, art galleries, therms, canoeing, casinos, bars, wine bars, fountains, water skiing, hammam, running, natural places, farms, wildlife, lakes, parks, nature, food, shopping, adventure, theme parks, water parks, amusement parks, adventure parks, cathedrals, castles, ancient ruins, churches.

    Interactive Strumica (North Macedonia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Strumica, North Macedonia (MK).