Старо Нагоричане

Info about Старо Нагоричане, (North Macedonia)

It is also called Nagorican i Vjeter, Nagoriçan i Vjetër, Staro Nagoricane, Staro Nagoricino, Staro Nagoričane, Staro Nagoričino, its latitude is 42.1980600, and its longitude is 21.8286100.

Its population is 638 citizens, this city timezone is Europe/Skopje (Europe/Skopje_cet).

In Старо Нагоричане you can do countryside, nightlife around North Macedonia.


More details about Старо Нагоричане in North Macedonia (MK)

It is the capital of Staro Nagoričane Municipality.

Старо Нагоричане time zone is Central European Time (for standard time).

In Старо Нагоричане there are 638 citizens, according to 1994 latest census. Do You are looking to use telephone for calling local phones! You can use 31 as local dialing code for local phone numbers. Старо Нагоричане postal code is 1303, so for post delivery from Старо Нагоричане this can be done by using the postal code as explained.

Its dimension is 433 sq. kilometers, so its a medium sized city, definitely a place worth a visit. In this town you can find cheap hotels due to their economic room prices, so this is why you may use Старо Нагоричане as basecamp if you want to move across North Macedonia and Старо Нагоричане near cities.

Старо Нагоричане meters above mean sea level basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is around 427 mt. For this it is an ideal travel destination if you and your friends love tall areas to travel to for your next vacation or are willing to do trekking when on a travel to visit new places.

For more detailed data on Старо Нагоричане please have a look at its website http://www.stn.gov.mk.

Старо Нагоричане things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • countryside, nightlife.

    Interactive Старо Нагоричане (North Macedonia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Старо Нагоричане, North Macedonia (MK).