Makefu Village

Info about Makefu Village, (Niue)

Makefu Village names are also Makefu, Makefu Village, its latitude is -19.0018000, and its longitude -169.9138300.

In Makefu Village are located 62 citizens, this place timezone is Pacific/Niue (Pacific/Niue_cet).

In Makefu Village you can do surf, swimming, biking, beaches, escape room, off-road trails, farms in all Niue.


More details about Makefu Village in Niue (NU)

In Makefu Village live 62 citizens, considering 2006 last census.

Its size is 17 square km. so Makefu Village is quitely small city suggested trip destination for trippers that are searching for small cities as base location to sleep, an incredibly calm city with no confusion that you find in big cities. In this town you can save money due to its cheap housing costs, and for this reason you and your friends can have Makefu Village as base if you want to move across Niue or Makefu Village near things to do.

Makefu Village altitude above sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 0 mt. That is why Makefu Village is the ideal trip destination if you want seaside places.

If you’re looking for information for this city please check its official website

Makefu Village things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • surf, swimming, biking, beaches, escape room, off-road trails, farms.

    Interactive Makefu Village (Niue) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Makefu Village, Niue (NU).