
Info about Udi, Enugu State (Nigeria)

Udi is a quarter of Enugu State, in Nigeria (NG).

Also called Udi, its latitude is 6.3159200, and its longitude 7.4208600.

Its population is 14.998 people, this area timezone is Africa/Lagos (Africa/Lagos_cet).

In your trip to Udi you can do hiking, hiking trails, walking trails, desert, off-road trails, caves in Nigeria.


More details about Udi in Nigeria (NG)

Its square area is 897 sq. km. so Udi is a relatively big city, busy with a lot of things to do and entertainment. If you stay in this city you can find high budget accommodations because of Udi very high accommodation prices, so this is why you could find Udi like basecamp to relaxing in luxury tired by visiting the big city.

Udi altitude above sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 0 mt. For this reason Udi is the ideal destination when you and family like seaside places.

Udi shares borders with for example cities like Enugu. Because of this you and your companions could easily visit those close surroundings for new adventures.

Udi things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hiking, hiking trails, walking trails, desert, off-road trails, caves.

    Interactive Udi (Nigeria) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Udi, Enugu State Nigeria (NG).