
Info about Giethoorn, Provincie Overijssel (Netherlands)

Giethoorn region is Provincie Overijssel, in Netherlands (NL).

Giethoorn is also called Giteren, Githorn, Gitkhorn, hythwrn, jythwrn, yang jiao cun, Гитхорн, Գիթհորն, חיטהורן, جيثورن, 羊角村, latitude is 52.7400000, and its longitude is 6.0791700.

In Giethoorn live 1.334 inhabitants, its timezone is Europe/Amsterdam (Europe/Amsterdam_cet).

Things you can do in Giethoorn are kayaking, canoeing, water sports, wildlife, countryside, paddle, hunting, scenic roads, natural places, secret, national parks, forest, nature, mountains, adventure, religious sites, walkways, valleys, boat rides, bridges, ancient ruins, wine bars, nature reserves, hiking trails, desert, sailboats, ranches, shooting ranges, parks, hiking, mines, towers, fountains in Netherlands.


More details about Giethoorn in Netherlands (NL)

It’s time zone is UTC+01:00 (valid in period standard time).

Giethoorn population is 1.334 residents, considering 1815 census.

Its altitude above mean sea level, also called meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is around 1 meters. Because of this Giethoorn is an ideal destination if you and your partner love seaside areas.

If you’re looking for information about Giethoorn you can have a look at its official webpage

Giethoorn things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • kayaking, canoeing, water sports, wildlife, countryside, paddle, hunting, scenic roads, natural places, secret, national parks, forest, nature, mountains, adventure, religious sites, walkways, valleys, boat rides, bridges, ancient ruins, wine bars, nature reserves, hiking trails, desert, sailboats, ranches, shooting ranges, parks, hiking, mines, towers, fountains.

    Interactive Giethoorn (Netherlands) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Giethoorn, Provincie Overijssel Netherlands (NL).