
Info about Safi, Marrakesh-Safi (Morocco)

Safi region is Marrakesh-Safi, located in Morocco (MA).

Alternate names are Asafi, Asfi, SFI, Safi, Safim, Safí, Sáfí, asfy, asfy mraksh, sa fei, safi, sapi, Сафи, Сафі, Սաֆի, סאפי, آسفي, اسفی, اسفی، مراکش, საფი, ⴰⵙⴼⵉ, サフィ, 薩非, 사피, latitude is 32.2993900, and its longitude is -9.2371800.

In Safi live 308.508 citizens, its timezone is Africa/Casablanca (Africa/Casablanca_cet).

In Safi you can go for bodyboard, surf, sailboats, water sports, museums, kiteboarding, treasure hunts, kitesurfing, art galleries, mines, adventure, boat rides, religious sites, swimming, walkways, islands, beaches, architectural buildings, snorkeling, escape room, countryside, caves, monuments, lakes, windsurfing, casinos, farms, shopping, statues, historical sites, paddle, forest, docks, hunting, ancient ruins in all Morocco.


More details about Safi in Morocco (MA)

It is the capital of Doukkala-Abda. It’s official name is آسفي (54).

In Safi live 308.508 citizens, if we consider 2014 latest census. It’s postal code is 46000, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your friends via post from Safi you can use this zip as explained.

Its altitude above mean sea level called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 79 meters. This is why Safi a perfect destination when you and firends like plain land to see for your next vacation.

Characteristic monuments worth to visit if you want to travel to Safi are:

    Stade El Massira

Safi things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • bodyboard, surf, sailboats, water sports, museums, kiteboarding, treasure hunts, kitesurfing, art galleries, mines, adventure, boat rides, religious sites, swimming, walkways, islands, beaches, architectural buildings, snorkeling, escape room, countryside, caves, monuments, lakes, windsurfing, casinos, farms, shopping, statues, historical sites, paddle, forest, docks, hunting, ancient ruins.

    Interactive Safi (Morocco) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Safi, Marrakesh-Safi Morocco (MA).