
Info about Tabasco, Estado de Zacatecas (Mexico)

Tabasco is a place of Estado de Zacatecas, with country Mexico (MX).

It is also called Garcia de la Cadena, Tabasco, Tabasko, Villa Garcia de la Cadena, Villa García de la Cadena, Villa del Refugio, Табаско, its latitude is 21.8628600, and longitude -102.9110500.

In Tabasco there are 7.317 citizens, this location timezone is America/Mexico_City (America/Mexico_City_cet).

Considered best destination for rafting, farms, rivers, mosques, museums, abseiling, forest, architectural buildings, religious sites in Mexico.


More details about Tabasco in Mexico (MX)

Tabasco time zone is UTC−06:00 (valid for standard time).

Tabasco area is 406 square km. so Tabasco is a medium size city that can become, if it is not already, a boomtown, in our opinion a town worth visiting. In this town you can save money because of Tabasco economic room rates, so this is why you can use it like your base in order to move across Mexico or Tabasco near things to do.

Tabasco elevation above sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 1520 mt. For this this city is the perfect destination if you and your beloved ones want high land to visit for your next trip and love hiking when on a travel abroad.

Tabasco things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • rafting, farms, rivers, mosques, museums, abseiling, forest, architectural buildings, religious sites.

    Interactive Tabasco (Mexico) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Tabasco, Estado de Zacatecas Mexico (MX).