
Info about Chapultepec, Estado de México (Mexico)

Chapultepec region is Estado de México, in Mexico (MX).

Chapultepec is also called Chapultepec, San Miguel Chapultepec, latitude is 19.2021600, and longitude -99.5617600.

Chapultepec has a population of 12.120 occupiers, this region timezone is America/Mexico_City (America/Mexico_City_cet).

Chapultepec is a popular travel destination for castles, trail running, running, gardens, art galleries, monuments, historical sites, zoo, museums, amusement parks, theme parks, playgrounds, adventure parks, architectural buildings, wine bars, biking, towers, parks, fountains, valleys, statues, golf, wildlife, bars, nightlife, pubs, music, disco, treasure hunts, nature reserves, shopping, water parks, aquariums, clubs, forest, walkways around Mexico.


More details about Chapultepec in Mexico (MX)

Population for Chapultepec is 12.120 people, according to 2005 last census.

Chapultepec square area is 10 square km. so it is counted as relatively calm town , suggested destination for trippers that are interested in small destinations for a quiet base on a travel, a quiet town with no distractions that characterizes big cities. Here you can find cheap accommodations because of Chapultepec economic room costs, so this is why you could use Chapultepec like base to move across Mexico or Chapultepec near things to do.

Its height above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is 2596 meters. Because of this this is the perfect place if you and partner love tall mountains to visit for your next holiday and want to do hiking if tripping to visit a new place.

Chapultepec things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • castles, trail running, running, gardens, art galleries, monuments, historical sites, zoo, museums, amusement parks, theme parks, playgrounds, adventure parks, architectural buildings, wine bars, biking, towers, parks, fountains, valleys, statues, golf, wildlife, bars, nightlife, pubs, music, disco, treasure hunts, nature reserves, shopping, water parks, aquariums, clubs, forest, walkways.

    Interactive Chapultepec (Mexico) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Chapultepec, Estado de México Mexico (MX).