
Info about Madera, Estado de Chihuahua (Mexico)

Madera region is Estado de Chihuahua, in Mexico (MX).

Alternate names are Ciudad Madera, Madera, San Pedro Madera, latitude is 29.1936600, and its longitude -108.1468400.

Its population is 15.447 citizens, this city timezone is America/Chihuahua (America/Chihuahua_cet).

Madera is considered one of the best destinations for mountains over Mexico.


More details about Madera in Mexico (MX)

It is the capital of Madera Municipality.

In Madera live 15.447 citizens, considering 2010 latest census. It’s postal code is 31940, then if you want to send anything to your family by post on your travel it can be used this zip code as described.

Its area is 8737 km2 so its a relatively big city, busy full of things to do or activities to do. If you stay in this city you can find expensive hotels due to Madera very high rooms prices, so for this reason you can find it like base if you want to getting the comfort of luxury after walking the Madera.

Its altitude above sea level, called also meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is under 2100 meters. This is why Madera is the ideal trip destination if you and your family love high ground to see in your next travel and love adventure in the nature while on a vacation to see a new place.

If you’re looking for more data on this city you can have a look at its official webpage

Madera things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mountains.

    Interactive Madera (Mexico) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Madera, Estado de Chihuahua Mexico (MX).