
Info about Kerċem, (Malta)

Kerċem is also called Kercem, Kerchem, Kerċem, latitude is 36.0419400, and its longitude is 14.2266700.

Kerċem population is 1.938 citizens, this area timezone is Europe/Malta (Europe/Malta_cet).

Popular things to do in Kerċem are spa, hammam, therms, biking in Malta.


More details about Kerċem in Malta (MT)

Kerċem population is 1.938 residents, related to 2014 latest census.

Kerċem size is 5 km2, so Kerċem is nicely small city , amazing place for trippers that are interested in quiet cities as an economic base location to sleep, a calm area with no distractions common in large metropolis. If you book an accommodation in Kerċem you can find cheap hotels because of Kerċem cheap accommodation rates, so for this reason you can use it like basecamp if you want to visit all Malta or Kerċem near places.

Its altitude above mean sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 111 meters. Because of this Kerċem an ideal travel destination if you and your partner like plain land to go to in your next holiday.

If you want other information about Kerċem please visit their website

Kerċem things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • spa, hammam, therms, biking.

    Interactive Kerċem (Malta) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Kerċem, Malta (MT).