
Info about Fonadhoo, (Maldives)

its latitude is 1.8324300, and longitude is 73.5025700.

In Fonadhoo live 1.773 people, this place timezone is Indian/Maldives (Indian/Maldives_cet).

If you travel to Fonadhoo you can enjoy fountains, ancient ruins, islands, running in Maldives.


More details about Fonadhoo in Maldives (MV)

It has timezone UTC+05:00 (valid in period standard time).

Fonadhoo elevation above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is around 7 meters. That is why this city is an ideal trip destination when you want seaside places.

Fonadhoo near cities are for example cities like Meemu Atoll. As those cities are very close to Fonadhoo you and your friends could in few time travel to those close travel destinations to visit new things.

You can see lakes, rivers and sea very close to Fonadhoo. Places like Indian Ocean must be seen when you and your friends like destinations with water.

Fonadhoo things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • fountains, ancient ruins, islands, running.

    Interactive Fonadhoo (Maldives) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Fonadhoo, Maldives (MV).