
Info about Rumelange, Canton d’Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg)

Rumelange is a site in Canton d’Esch-sur-Alzette, Rumelange, in Luxembourg (LU).

It is also called Rumelange, Rumelingen, its latitude is 49.4596400, and its longitude is 6.0308900.

Its population is 5.604 inhabitants, this area timezone is Europe/Luxembourg (Europe/Luxembourg_cet).

Rumelange is famous for activities like museums, mines, religious sites, valleys, ancient ruins, historical sites, skateboard, kayaking, mountains, aquariums in all Luxembourg.


More details about Rumelange in Luxembourg (LU)

In Rumelange there are 5.604 inhabitants, according to 2020 latest census.

Its size is 684 sq. km., great if you want to visit a big city, crowdy with a lot of distractions and activities to do. If you stay in this city you may spend big money because of Rumelange very high housing prices, so this is why you can find it as your basecamp if you want to getting the comfort of luxury tired by going around this Rumelange.

Rumelange meters above mean sea level technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) should be about 339 meters. For this it is an ideal destination if you and your friends love high land to visit in your next vacation and love adventure in the nature while on holiday abroad.

Rumelange shares borders with cities like Esch-sur-Alzette. As those cities are very close to Rumelange you and your companions can easily travel to those near destinations to visit to see other destinations in Luxembourg.

For information on Rumelange see its website

Rumelange things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • museums, mines, religious sites, valleys, ancient ruins, historical sites, skateboard, kayaking, mountains, aquariums.

    Interactive Rumelange (Luxembourg) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Rumelange, Canton d’Esch-sur-Alzette Rumelange Luxembourg (LU).