
Info about Harper, (Liberia)

Also called CPA, Cape Palmas, Harper, Harper City, its latitude is 4.3782000, and longitude is -7.7108100.

Harper population is 136.404 citizens, this city timezone is Africa/Monrovia (Africa/Monrovia_cet).

In Harper you can do skateboard, treasure hunts, snowboard, islands, wakeboard, beaches, climbing, docks, mountains, historical sites, ancient ruins, countryside, lakes, forest, secret, swimming, running, mines, architectural buildings, rivers, geological formations, off-road trails, castles, religious sites, museums, biking, fishing, desert, nature reserves, parks, towers, playgrounds, national parks, events, music, clubs, hiking, bridges, statues, cemeteries, trail running, food in all Liberia.


More details about Harper in Liberia (LR)

It is the capital of Republic of Maryland.

It is located in time zone UTC±00:00 (in standard time).

Population of Harper is 136.404 citizens, if we consider 2008 latest census.

Harper area is 2296 km2, so its a large city, crowdy full of attractions or entertainment. If you stay here you can find high budget accommodations due to their high room costs, so for this reason you may find Harper like your basecamp in order to relax after going around this metropolis.

Harper elevation above mean sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL), is around 0 meters. For this reason this city is a perfect trip destination when you and family love to be near the sea.

Harper things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • skateboard, treasure hunts, snowboard, islands, wakeboard, beaches, climbing, docks, mountains, historical sites, ancient ruins, countryside, lakes, forest, secret, swimming, running, mines, architectural buildings, rivers, geological formations, off-road trails, castles, religious sites, museums, biking, fishing, desert, nature reserves, parks, towers, playgrounds, national parks, events, music, clubs, hiking, bridges, statues, cemeteries, trail running, food.

    Interactive Harper (Liberia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Harper, Liberia (LR).