
Info about Toguz-Bulak, Batken (Kyrgyzstan)

Toguz-Bulak is a location in Batken, Batken, in country Kyrgyzstan (KG).

It is also called Toguz-Bulak, Тогуз-Булак, its latitude is 39.8433100, and its longitude is 69.7135500.

With a population of 400.400 residents, its timezone is Asia/Bishkek (Asia/Bishkek_cet).

Toguz-Bulak is one of the top destinations for skiing, slopes, biking, snow tubing around Kyrgyzstan.


More details about Toguz-Bulak in Kyrgyzstan (KG)

In Toguz-Bulak there are 400.400 residents, if we consider 2005 latest census.

Its square area is 16995 square km., so Toguz-Bulak is a relatively big city, crowdy with a lot of distractions or entertainment. In this city you can find high budget accommodations because of its very high accommodation costs, so this is why you may find it as base in order to relaxing in luxury after visiting the big city.

Toguz-Bulak altitude above mean sea level also called meters above sea level (MASL), is around 0 mt. For this Toguz-Bulak is a perfect travel destination if you and friends want to be near the sea.

Cities near Toguz-Bulak that you can visit are beautiful cities like Osh Region, Fergana Region, Sughd Province, districts of Republican Subordination. As those cities are very close to Toguz-Bulak you and your family can very quickly visit those other destinations for new adventures.

Toguz-Bulak things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • skiing, slopes, biking, snow tubing.

    Interactive Toguz-Bulak (Kyrgyzstan) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Toguz-Bulak, Batken Batken Kyrgyzstan (KG).