
Info about Shimoni, (Kenya)

Other names for Shimoni are Shimoni, latitude is -4.6475600, and longitude is 39.3817500.

In Shimoni are located 2.374 residents, its timezone is Africa/Nairobi (Africa/Nairobi_cet).

Shimoni is considered one of the top destinations for sailboats, fishing, diving, scuba diving, snorkeling, water sports, caves, boat rides, kiteboarding, islands, kitesurfing, monuments, ancient ruins, historical sites, adventure, aquariums, volcanoes, nature reserves, nature, mosques, water skiing, shooting ranges, countryside, beaches, events, clubs, natural places, mountains, architectural buildings, religious sites, scenic roads, docks over Kenya.


More details about Shimoni in Kenya (KE)

Its elevation above mean sea level specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) should be around 0 mt. That’s why this city is an ideal travel destination if you and your beloved ones love to be near the sea.

Shimoni things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • sailboats, fishing, diving, scuba diving, snorkeling, water sports, caves, boat rides, kiteboarding, islands, kitesurfing, monuments, ancient ruins, historical sites, adventure, aquariums, volcanoes, nature reserves, nature, mosques, water skiing, shooting ranges, countryside, beaches, events, clubs, natural places, mountains, architectural buildings, religious sites, scenic roads, docks.

    Interactive Shimoni (Kenya) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Shimoni, Kenya (KE).