
Info about Zaysan, (Kazakhstan)

It is also called SZI, Zaisan, Zaysan, its latitude is 47.4665700, and longitude 84.8714400.

With 14.389 inhabitants, this location timezone is Asia/Almaty (Asia/Almaty_cet).

Things to do in Zaysan are fishing, lakes, water skiing, farms, rivers, desert, aquariums, volcanoes, geological formations over Kazakhstan.


More details about Zaysan in Kazakhstan (KZ)

It is the capital of Zaysan District.

In Zaysan there are 14.389 inhabitants, considering 2009 last census. Zaysan zip code is 070700, then if you want to send anything to your friends by post from Zaysan you can use the zip code as per description above.

Zaysan height above sea level, basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), should be about 660 mt. For this this is the ideal trip destination if you and your beloved ones want tall ground to visit in your next vacation and want to do mountain rails if going away from home.

Zaysan things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • fishing, lakes, water skiing, farms, rivers, desert, aquariums, volcanoes, geological formations.

    Interactive Zaysan (Kazakhstan) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Zaysan, Kazakhstan (KZ).